Do not consume these things after eating Apple

Do not consume these things after eating apple

We all know about the benefits of eating apples. As much as apples are delicious to eat, they are also beneficial for your health. Apples are rich in nutrients. It contains elements like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, as well as vitamin C. It also keeps you away from many serious diseases.

That's why it is advisable to eat apples daily. But do you know that after eating apples, you should not forget to consume some things? In such a situation, we will tell you what things you should not consume after eating apples. Let's see.

Do not consume these things after eating Apple

Do not consume these things after eating an apple.

Don't forget to drink water.

If you drink water immediately after eating an apple, it can worsen the pH level of the stomach. This can lead to disturbances in digestion, bloating in the intestines, and indigestion. Along with this, there can also be a problem with wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.

Do not consume radish-

Both apples and radishes have a cooling effect. Therefore, when you consume radish with or after an apple, it increases phlegm in the body. It affects your digestive system and causes digestive problems.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like amla, lemon, and orange should not be consumed after or with apples. because it increases citric acid in the stomach. Due to this, there may be a problem with burning in the stomach or chest.

Avoid pickles!

Like citrus fruits, consuming pickles after eating apples also increases citric acid in the stomach and causes related problems.

Do not consume these things after eating apple

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