Globally, more than 400 million people use Social Media

Globally, more than 400 million people use Social Media

Every year on June 30, World Social Media Day is celebrated. Social Media Day was first celebrated worldwide on June 30, 2010. Since then, this day has been celebrated as World Social Media Day.

Before 2010, very few people used social media. World Social Media Day began to be celebrated all over the world to highlight its need and role in global communication.

The world's first social media platform was launched in 1997. Its name was Six Degrees. This platform was started by Andrew Weinrich. It had more than one million users in the year 2001. But still, it was closed.

Research by Oxford University Press has revealed that 54% of people in India use social media for the right information. 87% of the people who believe and share the posts made on these platforms believe that the information they are sharing from social media is correct.

About 44% of users between the ages of 5 and 44 believe the information shared on social media to be true. At the same time, only 12% of people over 55 are like this.

Most people under the age of 55 consider social media to be the perfect platform for information. whereas only 35% of people aged 25 to 44 think so. At the same time, only 13% of people aged 55 and older think so.

58.4% of the world's population (462 million) use social media. According to the research, 42 crore 40 lakh new users were added to social media from 2020 to 2022. There has been an increase of 10.1% in users in one year.

The most popular social networking site was Facebook, which is run by 2.91 billion people. At the same time, YouTube is at number two, which is run by 250 million people.

The daily use of people on social networking sites has also increased. The time spent using social media has increased by 1.4%. People use social media for an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes.

More than 47% (46 crore) of the population of India use social media. Social media users in India have also grown by 4.2%. India's most popular social media platform is WhatsApp.

It is used by more than 48 million people. At the same time, the time spent on social media in the country has also increased from 4 to 6 hours.

Globally, more than 400 million people use Social Media

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