Your diet plays a major role in good health

Health: Your food or diet plays a major role in good health. If your food is good and nutritious, it will benefit your health; conversely, if you are careless with your food or do not consume nutritious food, it will harm your health.You should know what you should eat and what you should avoid according to your body.

Your diet plays a major role in good health

Someone has said that health is wealth. Every person can remain healthy and disease-free if he follows some rules, such as waking up early in the morning and drinking two to three glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach. One should go for a walk in the open air and do some light exercise.

Include milk, fruit, and eat fewer fatty foods for breakfast. Chronic lifestyle diseases like obesity, blood pressure, diabetes, etc. can be controlled by controlling your diet. Have lunch by 2 pm. After having lunch, it is good for your health to sit quietly and rest for 15 minutes.

If your food is good and nutritious, it will benefit your health. You should know what you should eat and what you should avoid according to your body.

Your diet plays a major role in good health

There is no problem with having a small snack when you feel hungry at 5 in the evening. After coming home, one should rest in solitude for half an hour. Dinner should be taken by 9 o'clock at night.

Intoxicants such as alcohol, smoking, tobacco, gutka, zarda, and others have a rapid aging effect.Due to continuous consumption of alcohol and nicotine, blood cells in the body become inactive and invite fatal diseases like asthma, kidney, ulcers, intestines, lungs, blood disorders, diabetes, etc.

Sleep is important in our lives. That's why good sleep is number one on our list of good habits. If you want to lead a healthy life, then you must adopt the habit of getting good sleep. Our brains are very active during sleep. We mostly learn our skills while awake. But we can learn these skills well while sleeping.

Exercise helps in preventing excess body weight, and exercise also burns extra calories in your body. By doing regular exercise, your body gains the ability to fight against many diseases, and your mind also remains healthy.

Someone has said that health is wealth. Every person can remain healthy and disease-free if he follows some rules, such as waking up early

Your diet plays a major role in good health

It is also said in Ayurveda that you should take a diet according to your nature. That is, if the amount of pitta nature is very high in you, then you should avoid yellow things like excess oil, turmeric, and similar yellow things. Therefore, in your daily diet, include all the things in your diet in balanced amounts, like vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, etc.

Never keep yourself in solitude. Remember that physical and mental health can be maintained only by positive thinking. So friends must try all the time to keep themselves positive.

Thanks. Inputs from Quora.
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