SENIOR YEAR Trailer | Rebel Wilson | Netflix

Movies/Hollywood: .After a cheerleader (Rebel Wilson) falls off a pyramid and enters a 20-year coma, she reawakens as a 37-year-old lady, determined to return to high school, reclaim her prestige, and win the prom queen crown that has eluded her.

SENIOR YEAR Trailer | Rebel Wilson | Netflix

This is something I'm really looking forward to. Our first impression is based on appearances, but what makes the film intriguing is Rebel's comedy and acting talent. I'm here to see Rebel's role as a young diva rather than the obese loser she was known for! I'm glad she's content and pursuing her own interests.

It's great to see Rebel get employment like this after losing weight. With her reputation as the "funny fat chick," undertaking such a metamorphosis might potentially jeopardise her profession (even her management opposed her losing weight for this reason). She'll be able to let go of this archetype now.

Her presence alone is a sure clue that this is going to be a great film!! It's nostalgic, and it's one of the few times a Netflix high school film will be enjoyable.

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