Easy Nail Design Ideas You Can Do at Home

DIY/Fashion: You can create cool and easy nail design at home using basic tools. If you play around with colors and patterns, you’ll soon have trendy nails!

Easy Nail Design Ideas: No Experience Necessary
With a few simple tips and tricks, you can create beautiful AND easy nail design that stands out.
Easy Nail Design Ideas You Can Do at Home
Keep your designs on one or two nails as an accent to avoid overloading the look.
Learn How to Create Beautiful Nails

I tried these designs before and wanted to post them on my blog. It is one design that will make your nails look as if they have pattern. I have to admit, I like this pattern design, but use it only in the middle of the nails, which gives them a nice dimension.

I painted my nails light purple. I used Loving Lavender. The thing to remember is to let it dry COMPLETELY. If not, once you try putting the material on it will sink into the nail polish. You can totally do that if you want three-dimensional nails, but I didn’t go for that kind of look.

Easy Nail Design Ideas You Can Do at Home

I used some gardening material or a net I had on the window to protect from bugs (or as they say??). I cut it into small pieces and applied it over my nail. When applying the material, be sure to rotate the squares of your material so that they’re not positioned horizontally on your nail.

In this way your pattern will be much nicer and not so uniformed. I also put tape around, since it is hard to make that fabric stay in place. Believe me, you don’t want it to move around, or your pattern won’t be nice.

Then, I applied my dark blue/green polish. Sadly, I don’t know the name of this color. This is the color blue/green with multicolor shimmery flare in it. I thought this color will bring nice contrast to the lavender base. First, I used a sponge to dab some of this nail polish, and then I gently removed the material.

The color won’t stick on those places where there is material. So after you finish, you get this pattern in the center of the nail. Then I also applied my favorite top coat. For that step, I also recommend waiting a little so that the pattern dries.

Fun and Creative

Designing awesome nails doesn’t take much work. You can easily create stylish nail designs at home. Just a few essential tools. You’ll discover something you enjoy regardless of what grabs your attention – adorable dots, elegant French tips, or striking animal patterns.

The key is to have fun, experiment with various colors, and enjoy the process. Try out new designs – you’ll improve with practice, and you might even develop your own unique style.

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