[Official] Capcom Confirms Resident Evil 9 is Coming

Gaming News: Capcom confirms Resident Evil 9 is in development. That’s awesome news. Resident Evil is an unstoppable video game franchise. I can’t wait for the next game. The village was amazing. I hope Rose, or Chris, is the main character this time. I am not sure where the story will go next, but I am very interested to see the next piece of the Resident Evil puzzle.

One of the game franchises I always get excited about when a new game comes out. It doesn’t matter how much they could drop Resident Evil 15, and I’ll still be excited.

So this was again during the Capcom event. We got a nice little kind of flying response, and it came from the director of Re7, who had actually directed a few other things before and also worked on Resident Evil 5.

Resident Evil 7 director Nakanishi is going to be the director of the next mainline game (or possible remake) now. He obviously didn’t confirm what game was going to be in development, but he said this: It was really difficult to figure out what to do after seven, but I found it, and to be honest, it feels so complicated that I can’t share any details. Just yet, but I hope you’re excited about the day. I can now tell if he has anything to do with Resident Evil 8.

The most amount of history that he has within resident evil is being a designer on resident evil 5 and the director for the mercenaries, 3D, resident evil, revelations, and resident evil 7 biohazard. Hey guys, so I just wanted to quickly throw this in here.

Resident Evil 9: It's Alive! Capcom Officially Confirms Development

It’s Official: Capcom Confirms Resident Evil 9 is Coming

All signs point towards him being the director of Resident Evil 9. Now it does make us wonder: What is the plot necessarily going to be about? It’s all speculation from here, no matter what ends up happening until the reveal trailer. Now, when does that happen? No one has an idea. We don’t know whether or not it could happen. Let’s say the game awards show is in Tokyo.

Capcom has another showcase, another state of play, or something like that. It is all going to be determined and announced later on, but nonetheless, I am super excited about whatever is going to happen. It’s most likely going to be Resident Evil 9 since they have a tendency to do mainline remakes. I know. The Re3 remake was back-to-back remakes of two and three, but I don’t feel like that.

The way Nakanishi says he has a direction for 7 and thinks it is substantial for the new game means he has ideas for something new. And a remake of 5 isn’t going to be anything new. Besides, this director didn’t even do remakes. So that further hints at RE9.

It's Official: Capcom Confirms Resident Evil 9 is Coming

Quarter 2025 release?

The game was originally planned for a quarter 2025 release, which we all know, and here’s the interesting bit: Capcom is hoping that resident evil 9 is the first non-make resident evil game to get the critical and fan reception that resident evil 2 and resident evil 4 got, and they also want resident evil 9 to innovate on the franchise.

I don’t think we’re getting two remakes back-to-back after everything that Capcom has been saying. After everything that Dus Golem has been saying, it sounds like Capcom is ready like they are. They want to get this game out there. It’s not ready to get announced yet, which is why they’re waiting, but it sounds like Capcom is really ambitious about AR9. It sounds like they’re really excited about it.

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