High-Res Spider-Man Homecoming Images
Entertainment/Movies: High-Res Spider-Man Homecoming Images.
One thing I do really like about MCU Spidey is that he made his web fluid on his own; he didn't just get it from Oscorp. That really does highlight Peter's intelligence and ingenuity.
I think about the traffic light shot a lot. Specifically, the part where they're at a red light and his face is lit by the signal. Then, when he pieces it together, the light turns green.
High-Res Spider-Man Homecoming Images
Not having 20-30 minutes of runtime bogged down by another origin again really helps the story breathe, feel well paced, and be complete.
The story was interesting and well written. Also, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is pretty good! I still remember the feeling I had when I first saw the trailer! So amazing, not to mention kicked off the Spider-Man franchise!
Spiderman is a real, unique superhero created by the great Stan Lee. Experiencing the best action scenes from Spider-Man: Homecoming in 4K was absolutely breathtaking! The crispness of the visuals and the heart-pounding action had me on the edge of my seat throughout. What an epic movie!