How Brienne of Tarth Becomes a Knight?

Game of Thrones: How Brienne of Tarth Becomes a Knight: A skilled warrior.

This act holds immense weight, shattering tradition and honoring Brienne’s lifelong dream. No one deserved to be knighted more than Brienne of Tarth at that time. A true defender and warrior.

Gwendolyn Christie was a magnificent cast for the character of Brienne. I don’t think any other actresses would have done a better job portraying her.

“Arise Sir Brienne of Tarth, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

This line still gives me goosebumps.

Brianne admires Jamie for his courage, and Jamie admires Brianne for her honor. This was an epic scene. The tone of Jamie’s voice is so powerful and strong. But, also sooth and tender at the same time.

Throughout her life Brienne defies societal expectations. While other girls learn ladylike skills, Brienne begs Ser Goodwin to train her in combat. Her dedication and natural talent make her a formidable warrior.

However Westeros has a strict tradition that only men can be officially knighted. In Brienne’s eyes, this frustrates her, since she embodies chivalry.

How Brienne of Tarth Becomes a Knight?

How Brienne of Tarth Becomes a Knight?

In a pivotal scene in Game of Thrones Season 8, Jaime Lannister a disillusioned knight himself acknowledges Brienne’s worth. Before the Battle of Winterfell, he declares that any knight can make a knight and knights like Brienne.

I love her emotions in this scene. She looks around like it’s a cruel joke and it hits her. There isn’t a joke. This is for real. Terrific acting by all. So awesome how they all paid respect to her. Such an incredible scene.

To be fair, she had no fame, no land, no gold. Who could have in the slightest possible way cared for her? Maybe Jaime and Tommund but not anyone else. This is just a big moment for her.

I love how thrilled Tormund is about Brienne. I doubt he realizes how big of a moment this is in the seven kingdoms like the others do to have the first female knight but for her alone he shows pure, unadulterated joy!

Love the shot of Jamie steadying his grip. It’s not just him not being used to his left hand, which has obvious history when it comes to Brienne, but he’s making sure his grip is completely steady. Why? Because this is just as important of a moment for him as it is for Brienne and he doesn’t want to be shaky. It’s a subtle thing, but that’s why it’s there. I’m sure of it.

Yes, it shows that he is taking this seriously and it is not just an act. Really one of the brightest moments in the entire series. The smile on her face at the end is everything.

Strength Recognized: Jaime Lannister Honors Brienne of Tarth with a Knighting

From Lady to Knight

She’s being honored by her peers and her friends. And for a woman to earn the respect of men in those ancient times was no small matter. We could still learn something from that in our jaded modern era.

If anyone is wondering, Jamie is correct. In medieval times, many knights made new knights. Squires were often knighted by the knight they squired for. Jaime himself was knighted on the battlefield by Sir Arthur Dayne. Even without history, this is a different world. If they say in the Seven Kingdoms that a Knight can make a Knight, then that’s the rule.

In the scene, you can see Brienne is doubting Jaime at first but then she realizes he’s serious. She’s almost afraid as she hesitates before going to Jaime, because she realizes this is one of her lifelong dreams. Maybe she doesn’t know what to do next. I will always love this scene.

One more point!

I love how everyone in the room recognizes the gravity of the situation and turns to bear witness. A person who truly deserves to get what she’s always wanted and could never have hoped to achieve, but got it on her own merit.

I love how this has come full circle between Jaime and Brienne. She helps him restore his honor. He gives her armor, a loyal squire in Podrick, and his Valerian steel sword. She receives the sword and names it Oath keeper to honor his oath to Lady Catlyn Stark to bring Sansa back home to Winterfell.

Brienne of Tarth Takes Her Rightful Place Among the Knights

She vouches for Jaime to join the fight against the Army Of The Dead. And he proudly knights her.

Regardless of the show’s faults, it’s moments like this as well as its music that remind me of why I love this series so much. It allowed me to revisit the books that I didn’t finish the first time and gain a deeper appreciation of the literary masterpiece that is ASOIAF. If not for this show, though, it may never have happened.

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