Microsoft Company Launches Reading Progress Feature

Microsoft Company Launches Reading Progress Feature

The Microsoft Company has launched the Reading Progress feature. Students can record and read the chapter of books in it and send it to the teachers. Accordingly, it will be told that the students made a mistake while reading, whether they are right or not. Microsoft started working on the problem, which is now ready.

How will the reading progress feature work :

It will have a dashboard for teachers in which they can know by auto correction whether or not they say a word correctly, how long it takes per minute to read if they do not want auto correction then they can do it in manual mode. Initially it has been brought to the English language itself, but soon more languages ​​will be added to it.

Will help in understanding Dyslexia :

Microsoft has started testing the alpha version of the reading process on 350 teachers. It is now set to bring it to the next session. It is based on Azure technology. It also helps in identifying teachers about the problem of Dyslexia occurring in students. Dialexia refers to the problem students have with speaking.

Tholsen says that, we used to work in partnership with the Agur team. PowerPoint Presenter Coach uses only one type of speaking technology, while Microsoft's technology is based on the misspronounce technology API. It measures the interval of decrease in a child's confidence while reading, and focuses on how the words are read.

Also useful for adult:

When the Microsoft team saw that, one teacher is making 150 spreadsheet copies for another teacher, so that the data with the speed of reading can be prepared. In order to merge it into a manual form, Microsoft started working in it. Microsoft believes that this technology can now be used in primary schools in addition to students in adult literacy and elsewhere.

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