Internet: India spend the most time around the world

Internet : A recent report of Nokia on mobile broadband use has come out. According to which people in India spend more time on smartphones on average than other countries. According to the report, the average time spent on watching short videos on smartphones in India will be four times by 2025. Nokia's Mobile Broadband India Traffic Index (Mbit) 2021 report was released yesterday, according to which Indians spent about five hours a day on smartphones.

Indians spend about five hours a day on smartphones, which is the highest in the whole world. According to the report, 4G accounted for nearly 99 percent of the data traffic in India in the year 2020. According to the report, data traffic in India has increased almost 60 times in five years. India is involved in big markets in data consumption and mobile data usage per consumer is exceeding 13.5 GB per month here.

Internet: India spend the most time around the world.

India is second only to Finland in terms of broadband usage on mobile. Nokia's Chief Marketing Officer Amit Mervaha released the report saying, "Data usage in India has increased 63 times in the last five years. This is a big thing, a record. I don't think any other country or region can Can break the record. "

It has been found in the report that the use of data per user per month in India is increasing at the rate of 76 percent year after year. It has reached 13.7 GB (GHz bytes) on 3G and 4G networks. Last year, the mobile data usage of a normal user in India increased by four times and on an average it reached five hours per day. Marwah said that data consumption increased rapidly in 2020 due to the need to work from home.

According to this new report of Nokia, 55 percent of the data is spent on watching small content which are available on channels like YouTube. According to this, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and fixed wireless data will expand rapidly in the coming times in India. Marwah said that in view of the consumption trends, the trend of introducing 5G mobile services in India now looks strong.

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