Understanding How U.S. Tariffs Impact Consumers

Who Really Pays the Price? Understanding How U.S. Tariffs Impact Consumers.

Understanding How U.S. Tariffs Impact Consumers

About Tariffs in USA: The importer (the company bringing goods into the U.S.) pays the tariffs, and that cost is added to the price of the product. 

Depending on the profit margin, part of that cost gets passed on to you, the consumer—but it's not a fixed amount.

The country where the product comes from doesn’t pay the tariff. Tariffs are added to the price when the goods arrive in the U.S.

So, in the end, WE—the American consumers—are the ones paying the tariffs through higher prices at the store.

Tariffs can have a significant impact on the prices that American consumers pay for goods. While tariffs may be used to protect domestic industries, they can also have negative consequences for consumers.

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