Netflix Says Goodbye to DVDs

Netflix's DVD unit is being shut down on September 29, 2023. This is after 25 years of service, and is a sign of the changing times.

Netflix started out as a DVD rental service in 1997, but it quickly expanded into streaming video in 2007. The streaming service quickly became more popular than the DVD rental service, and the number of DVD subscribers has been declining ever since.

In 2023, Netflix still had an estimated 1.1 million to 1.3 million DVD rental subscribers, but this is a small fraction of its total subscriber base of over 220 million. The company has decided to shut down its DVD unit in order to focus on its streaming business.

Netflix Says Goodbye to DVDs

Netflix Says Goodbye to DVDs

The end of Netflix's DVD unit is a reminder of how quickly technology can change. Just a few decades ago, DVD rentals were the best way to watch movies at home. But now, streaming video has become the preferred way to watch movies and TV shows.

I am sure that some people will be sad to see the end of Netflix's DVD unit. But I think that it is a sign of progress that we now have so many different ways to watch the movies and TV shows that we love.
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