Mortal Kombat 1: Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka
Gaming/Quick trailer review: Mortal Kombat 1: Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka
Now we’re getting more insight into the story of Liu Kang’s timeline. Nice! And I love the rivalry between Li Mei and Tanya. There are very different personalities here, and their powers and moves are so crisp. In addition, this also answers questions about Tarkatans.
It’s a disease in this timeline, and those Tarkatans are infections, including Baraka. Very interesting. Opens up an inquiry about who Baraka used to be and what his human form looked like in this timeline.
I’m really liking what I’m seeing here. This story should be fun, and I love the twist in lore, especially the new take on Baraka and his species being diseased humans instead of separate monster warriors from the Outworld. I’m guessing that Baraka is the original infected and is trying to infect others to create a new race.
Mortal Kombat 1: Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka
I can’t wait to see the reptile. I wonder how they’re going to have his character look, whether it’ll be more human-like or reptilian-like. How they’re going to implement him into the story!
I don’t know which of these designs I love the most. Lei Mei gets her own moveset after two decades; Tanya looks amazing with the Bo staff or flail; and even Baraka looks great with those fiery swords. This game has so much promise.
With Li Mei, Tanya, and Darrius (cameo fighter). This MK’s direction seems to be bringing back 3D-era characters. I won’t be surprised if the final villain for this MK is Onaga.
I would like to see Dairou again in MK, but I would like to see him as a Japanese samurai, as planned from the beginning. Dairou has a lot of potential; he just needs a good moveset inspired by the samurai from anime and video games. Dairou deserves a good redesign, and I insist that Dairou would look perfect as a Japanese samurai in the new MK12.