Do You Think Mojo Will Replace Python?

Mojo is an innovative programming language developed by OpenAI that is designed to be faster and more efficient than Python.

Programming/Blog: Do you think Mojo will succeed Python or replace it? Actually, it’s too early to say. I have been using Mojo notebooks for a few weeks now, and I have nothing but praise and respect for the project. This project doesn’t feel like vaporware; in fact, considering who is behind the project, I’d say this project has the potential to take Python to the next level in a way that TypeScript wishes it had with JavaScript.

This is a real evolution of python, not a replacement, so those who are new to programming can learn python and move onto mojo, and those who are experts can (eventually) take full advantage of mojo to write software that is fast, familiar, and most importantly modern (especially with ML in mind).

Mojo is an innovative programming language developed by OpenAI that is designed to be faster and more efficient than Python.

Do You Think Mojo Will Replace Python?

This project has been amazing so far. I would love to see more content on it, mainly to put the word out and hype it up a bit more. If TypeScript can get the momentum it has achieved with the minimal additional value it brings to JavaScript, Mojo can definitely get there too. I think it will give its plans to not replace Python, but build on it.

I’d like Mojo to extend Python without adding unusable, incompatible syntax. This version of “fn” could also be a simple “@fn” decorator. Similarly to NUMBA does that. All other typing needs are covered with type annotations. If mojo integrated as easily into the current python eco system, instead of reinventing the wheel unnecessarily, it would be awesome.

However, one can expect incompatibility issues when one takes one of the loosest programming languages and tightens it up to this level. Having syntax like you suggested would not change the fact that, on the back end, there is a need for completely updated additional code compiled down to machine code. This is the same thing Numba does. They use a syntax that makes you think you are still writing Python-style. At the end of the day, Numba and Mojo compile to machine code. It’s really up to you as the developer to choose which one is better for your project.

I personally think that Mojo solves more modern problems, and is in a better position for future development. This is especially true for the Rust-like safety features and its ML-first approach. The people who developed Mojo also made LLVM and Swift. I think they know what they are doing. I won’t complain if they felt that they had to do it this way.

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