Petition Website PHP Script with Bootstrap

Today we will talk about Petition Website PHP Script. This is a special script in my view. Very rarely do we get to see this type of coding. It has been created by a developer named Primo. This script is available on the Codester platform.

Good PHP Script with Bootstrap

Petition Website PHP Script features:

  • Simple and Responsive design.
  • No limitations on anything.
  • Easy to use and edit.
  • PHP 7.x. and MySQL 8.
  • Bootstrap & Font Awesome
  • Vue.js version 2.
  • PHP + JavaScript Routing.
  • Readable code.
  • Native/Pure PHP (no framework).
  • Simple dashboard stats
  • Users can start their own petitions.
  • Manage petitions > add, edit, view and delete.
  • Manage users (admins) > add, edit, view and delete.
  • Users can sign or create a petition without registering.
  • Starting a petition and/or signing one require email confirmation.

Overall, a complete online web application for setting up your own petition platform. The developer has designed a nice concept for a unique website. I hope we get to see more of these types of coding and PHP scripts.

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