Google Pay India customer care number

Google pay India customer care number is  1-800-419-0157.

If you have a question or problem about Google Pay, you can contact Google's product-specific escalation teams through the methods listed below:

  • The Google Pay India Grievance Center is available here.
  • You can also find details about how to contact Google Pay India support at the Help Center page here.
  • Toll-free customer service/contact no: 1-800-419-0157.

Google Pay India customer care number

Google Pay India customer care number

If you can't find answers to your questions in these resources, you can contact Google's Grievance Redressal Mechanism by emailing

You must mention the name of the Google product in question, as well as a detailed description of the issue, in your email to Please include any supporting materials, such as screenshots, that will aid in the resolution of your issue.

In the world of digital payments, Google Pay is a household name. From city to village, people use Google Pay. from a large corporation to a tiny corporation But how can you know if a Google Pay transaction fails? Money is taken from your bank account? What happens if you don't make a payment? The procedure is straightforward, however we must wait a few days for a refund.

Banks can take up to three business days to credit your account. Please wait for the reversal to be completed by your bank. Verify whether the transaction has been reversed by looking at your bank account statement.

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