How to use the Signal App
Tutorial : The Signal app has been downloaded more than 50 million times from the Google Play Store. Perhaps you are the first time on this app. So, we are telling you about all the features related to it. That is, from creating a group to the privacy of the app, they are telling everything.
App installation: After installing the app, the user has to provide his mobile number. After which one gets logged into the app with the help of an OTP.
App's interface: The app opens, the names of the users who have installed this app start appearing on the home screen. You can start chatting by going to any contact.
Settings: The top-right consists of 3 dots. A tab is opened when it is tabbed. It has the option of New Group, Mark All Read, Invite Friends and Settings.
How to create a group: For this go to New Group. Now select the contacts you want to add to the group. Now name the group and add a profile photo. Now tab to CREATE. The group was ready. Open it to add new members to the group. Now go to Group Settings and tab on Add members.
Mark All Read: If you have too many messages on your Siglan app. If you do not want to read them, then tab on Mark all read. The message numbers will be moved from the front of the contact or group.
Privacy: Here you get settings related to app access, communication, sender and signal pins. If you want to secure your app then you can turn on screen lock, screen security and keyboard. Keep the default setting in communication. Here, if you want to block a user, then select his name or contact. Put the pin reminder on in the pin menu. If you want to change the pin then you can do it from here.
Storage: Here you will find information about app storage and its data storage. How long you want to keep the message, you can select it by going to the funnel message. It has an option ranging from 30 days to ever. Can set the limit for conversion Message history can be deleted here.
Linked Device: With the help of this menu you can link your phone to the desktop. It works like a web version of WhatsApp.
Help: Any problem associated with the Signal app can be sent to the direct company. For this, type your problem and send it.
Appearance: From here you can make app themes like light or dark. Here you also get the option to change the language. You can also run the app in Hindi.
Chat & Media: From here you select the option of media downloading. That is, what is downloaded and not on mobile data or Wi-Fi. Messe font size can be changed. You can also bring emoji of your system to the app. You must turn these settings on for backup chat.
Invite Friends: If you want to invite any friends on the app then use this option. As soon as you select it, there is an option to share the link of the app. You can share it on any platform like Facebook Messenger, Message, Email, WhatsApp, Hankout, Telegram or others.
There are a total of 11 options in the settings menu of the app, ranging from changing the profile photo and name, including SMS, notification, privacy, storage, help. Everyone knows about these one by one.
Change profile photo: For this, tab on the menu with your name. Now if you want to change the name then write the new name. Like this, you can apply a profile photo by tabbing on the photo icon. To change the photo again, one has to tab on the photo.
Advanced: From this menu you can close messages and calls. Can reset the pin. Your signal account has to be deleted here as well.
Donate to signal: Although this app is free, but if you want to donate it, then you have to go to this menu. Let's tab here. The donation page opens in the web browser. It starts at a minimum of $ 3. You can enter any amount by going to the custom amount.
SMS and MMS: In this menu you get three options. With the first option, you can make the signal the default SMS app of the phone. Below that is the option of SMS delivery. You can turn it on. The lowest Wi-Fi calling is compatibility mode. If you want to start MMS service over Wi-Fi, then you can turn it on.
Notifications: From this menu you can manage notifications related to the app. Vibration, LED color, sound, chat sound can also be changed.