What is Unparsable structured data report

Unparsable structured data report

This report lists structured data found on your site that could not be parsed because of a serious syntax error. 

The intended type of structured data (Job, Event, and so on) could not be determined because of the parsing error.

Unparsable structured data report : This report lists structured data found on your site that could not be parsed because of a serious syntax error.

Error typeDescription
Invalid JSON documentThe JSON had a top-level syntax error.
Incorrect value typeThe value specified for a property was of the wrong type. For example, you specified a string when a number or array was expected.
Parsing error: Missing ':'Missing a ':' mark.
Parsing error: Missing ',' or '}'Missing a ',' or closing bracket.
Parsing error: Missing '}' or object member nameMissing a closing bracket or object member name.
Parsing error: Missing ',' or ']' in array declarationError parsing an array value: missing a ',' or ']' in the array declaration.
Unable to parse token lengthFor some reason, the start and end of a property or value could not be found.
Invalid numberProperty value expected to be a number, but another value type was used.
Empty escape sequence in string
A string value include an empty escape sequence character: for example:
"description" : "Call me \ John"
rather than
"description" : "Call me \"John\"".
Bad escape sequence in string
An invalid escape sequence used in a string value. For example:
"description" : "Some \q unknown sequence"
Truncated Unicode characterMissing the last 6 characters in a Unicode surrogate pair.
Invalid Unicode characterMissing a \u token at the start of the second half of a Unicode surrogate pair.
Invalid Unicode escape sequence: four digits expectedA Unicode escape sequence has a syntax error: it should contain four digits.
Invalid Unicode escape sequence: hexadecimal digit expectedA Unicode escape sequence has a syntax error: a hexadecimal digit was expected but not provided.
Duplicate unique propertyYou provided two definitions for a unique property in your structured data object. For example, two @context values.
Invalid top level elementA top-level item in your JSON-LD is invalid.
Reference to nonexistent itemAn itemref attribute points to a non-existent identifier.

Unparsable structured data report

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